Ladybrille® Blogazine


Sunday, August 17, 2008

How do you react under pressure?

How do you react under pressure? Do you reach for something to eat, become aggressive, assertive, belligerent, impatient, indecisive, fear, play the blame game, unravel, smoke a pack of cigarettes to ease the tension off your neck, anxious, have headaches, turn to the bottle, become abusive, shutdown, run miles, exercise, pray or take it in stride?

We cannot control how others react under pressure. We can, however, control how we do. Take a close look at yourself. Do you like how you react under pressure? If the answer is yes, excellent! You should stop reading. If your answer is “no,” congratulations! You’ve just taken your first step towards resolving a problem, that is admitting the problem. Now what? Become Perry Mason on yourself. Investigate thoroughly why you react the way you do under pressure? Don’t expect the answer to just emerge right away. Getting at the root of the problem will take honesty and some soul searching. Once you are able to identify the source of your negative reactions under pressure, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Acquire the tools to begin taking control of your life i.e. exercise, eat and sleep right, counseling, take a vacation etc.

Your assignment this week, observe self very closely and determine, if you haven’t already, how you react under pressure.

Have a brilliant and stress free week ahead!



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